Change Behavior Avoid Breast Cancer

Change Behavior Avoid Breast Cancer - The problem of girls who do not want to meet. Whether it's a small cup or a big breast cancer inevitably can happen to anyone. The more age The risk of this disease as well.

Until now no one confirmed the true cause of breast cancer. But factors such as sex, age, heredity, race, environment, habits, life. They all contribute to the disease. Lifestyle The hustle and bustle of today can put many people at risk. Neglect to take care of yourself And if we are healthy, we will be better off. Modify your living habits. To reduce the risk of breast cancer. In this way.
Change Behavior Avoid Breast Cancer

The behavior of the girl is clean

Diet is an important factor contributing to cancer. If you eat meat, grill, shabu, bake it, burn it often, try to adjust the eating habits into the home. Concentrate on soy protein and soy products in a modest amount. Because of isophane compounds. The isoflavones found in soy are structurally similar to estrogen. They are able to attach to estrogen receptors in the body. The research supports that. People who eat this type of food. The incidence of cancer, especially breast cancer. And ovarian cancer. Food sources found in many substances such as tofu, tofu, soybeans, tofu, soybean milk, soy milk, "Clean" is not just a trend. It also helps to prevent long-term disease.

The active girl fitness

The girl who started to have problems with excess weight should be careful about this well. Obesity is another factor that develops breast cancer when it is in menopause. Because breast tissue in people with obesity can respond to the stimulation of estrogen hormone (Estrogen) well, it contributes to the development of lumps in the breast. Exercise regularly. To help prevent overweight and obesity. By changing the activities that are not moving the body a little. Maybe faster. Go out for the morning Yoga after work Or badminton with friends, these little activities in addition to help the body. Prevent other complications and relieve stress. It also helps girls with a beautiful figure.

Avoid second-hand smoke

It's not just smoke, it's smoke. It also includes the second-hand smoke from people around the smoke as well. These carcinogens are close to us. Whether it's a smoking zone in a parking lot in a mall, a restaurant, or even near a person sitting next to it, though, cigarettes are not the primary cause of breast cancer. Many people may think of lung cancer. In fact, chemicals in cigarettes contain many carcinogens that can be absorbed into the blood vessels, tissues, and brain. We get the carcinogen without knowing it. This may cause cancer cells to develop later. A good way to avoid the environment at risk. I'm a smoker, I have to think again because of the more "smoke" the more "risky".

Do not drink

Beer or alcohol can increase the risk of breast cancer as well if drinking too much in a day. Ethyl alcohol or ethanol found in alcohol is a human carcinogen, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The incidence of breast cancer is higher than that of non-drinkers. It should limit the amount of drinking per day to 1 standard unit for women and 2 units for standard men, which is equivalent to 1 unit of beer (360 ml).

The normal habit may be more harmful to breast health than thought. Because cancer is not just a story that many people like to talk about. But behavior is important in the disease. Adjusting the lifestyle of their daily life. Take care of food Make your mind clear. And fitness To be ready for risk in the future, it is better to sit "hurt" later.

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